
Unused gets killed before finishing

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi guys,

I'm trying to use Unused in a Ruby/Rails project, but it can't finish the analysis. This is the output:

Unused: analyzing 41740 terms

Working [======================================>......]  85%Killed

It always gets killed around 85%.
I think there may some issues with cpu or ram consumption, but I'm not sure how to debug it.
Is there any --verbose or --debug flag?

I'm running Debian on a i7 8gb ram, more than enough to handle such analysis...


@pecavalheiro there's currently no verbose/debug flag. Could you run htop (you may need to install it) to understand whether it's CPU/RAM usage first?

Additionally, if possible could you share the generated ctags file, or take a look around that spot in the file (maybe line 36,000 - 37,000) to see if anything looks "off" (either odd characters, really long lines, or anything else out of the norm)?

Finally, would anything be killing ag processes? unused leverages it behind the scenes to find the tokens.

My project got updated, and this issue has gone. It was probably caused by some odd character or long line, as you said. If it happens again, I'll take a detailed look and report to you.

Thank you! 😄