
This discord bot is automating different tasks on the / an unofficial server of the Faculty of Computer Science Chemnitz.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This discord bot is automating different tasks on the / an unofficial server of the Faculty of Computer Science. Please keep in mind that this is my first project with TypeScript, in case you see any weird practices.


  • Menu: Get the menu at the mensa Reichenhainer Straße or Straße der Nationen, on any day you could possibly imagine
  • ReactionRoles: React with an emoji to get assigned to a role. Can be configured by admin with commands
  • AutoReactions: The bot can automatically react to messages sent to a channel, can be configured so that it only reacts to messages with attached media / URLs (good for meme channels)
  • Invite: A command that shows the server invite, configurable
  • AutoExecs: Execute tasks on a schedule, e.g. showing the menu


  1. Mensa
    1.1 menu

  2. Utility
    2.1 status
    2.2 invite
    2.3 ping
    2.4 help

  3. Admin
    3.1 setinvite
    3.2 sendmessage
    3.3 editmessage
    3.4 autoreact
    3.5 autoexec
    3.6 reactionrole



!menu <location> <date>

The menu for the requested day and location is fetched and presented. When no parameters are provided, the location defaults to reichenhainer and date to today.


!menu reichenhainer today
!menu strana gestern
!menu r 12.10.2016


<location> - reichenhainer, strana, r, s
<date> - today, tomorrow, heute, gestern, yesterday... (or any date as numbers separated by "." )




Returns some information about the bot, its ping, uptime, where it is running, and a link to GitHub.



Returns the invite link of the discord server.



Returns the current ping of the bot.


!help <command>

Sends the user a DM with help information a command, or on every command, if no command is provided.


!help menu


<command> - any of the bots commands (optional)



!setinvite <invite link>

Sets the server's invite link to the specified URL. This is the link that is returned by the invite command.


!sendmessage <channel> <content>

Sends a message with the supplied content to a channel. Can also send an embed, if it is attached as a JSON file. In this case, content is optional.


!editmessage <channel> <message> <content>

Edits a message with the supplied content. Can also edit an embed, if it is attached as a JSON file. If only one of the two should be edited, the other one has to be provided without a change. (otherwise, it is deleted)


!autoreact <channel> <media-only> <emoji...>

Sets up an autoreact channel, where the supplied emojis are added as a reaction to every message. If media-only is set to true, the bot only reacts to messages containing attachments and URLs.


!autoexec <channel> <type> <cron> <content>

Creates an autoexec task in the supplied channel. It is executed after the cron pattern. Currently, only the type menu is supported. Content specifies additional content of the sent message.


!reactionrole <channel> <message> <role> <emoji>

Instantiates a new reactionrole, that gives the user a role when they react to the message with the emoji.