
[URGENT] Extension not working anymore.

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Before creating your issue, please run through the following troubleshooting steps to make sure this is not a temporary glitch or caused by a factor outside the control of this tool:

  • [✅] If you have recently installed any new browser extensions, try temporarily disabling them to see if that fixes mine (sometimes extensions interfere with each other)
  • [✅] Verify that LinkedIn has not rate-limited or banned your account. If you cannot load profiles, or get random error messages and blank pages, that is outside my control

Describe the issue
The tool isn't exporting the whole resume anymore. LinkedIn might have change something in their code.

Help me reproduce your issue
In order to expedite a bug fix, please help me narrow down what could be causing your issue by providing details that will let me replicate the same issue you saw:

  • Where did this happen?
    • Standard, as usual. It started to fail since last night. Yesterday morning it was working fine.
  • Is there anything special about the profile you were trying to extract?
    • No.
  • How consistent is this issue?
    • It happens for me and every other tests I did (4 different profiles)



Yes, same here, i cannot export my jsonResume from LinkedIn

@RonanCamus Thanks for filling out the issue template. I saw that you liked Pierre570's comment above - does that mean that using the correct URL fixed this issue for you? I'm having trouble replicating this otherwise.

@stevenz4 I guess the same goes for you.

I'll work on adding instructions to the README and URL check in the extension to remind users that this only works on profile pages.

Thanks @joshuatz, keep going your work is great.
Btw, it's working again now... Don't know how/why.

Cheers !