RuntimeErrors with "torch_two_sample.statistics_diff.SmoothKNNStatistic"
adrienchaton opened this issue · 2 comments
Hello !
Thank you very much for sharing these functions to the PyTorch community,
I am successfully using the "torch_two_sample.statistics_diff.MMDStatistic" both at training/backprop and evaluation, running on GPU.
I am trying to have an alternative criterion, using instead the SmoothKNN that I set as the MMD (with the additional True boolean for cuda and the k parameter).
The code is absolutely identical to when using the MMD for the criterion but with the SmoothKNN function it gives a "RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation"
Does anyone have a fix to that please ?
Thanks in advance !
May be a bit late for you but I fixed it by changing
in the SmoothKNNStatistic.__call__
function as follows (showing the lines that were commented out and replaced)
if margs_.is_cuda:
#margs.masked_scatter_(indices, margs_.view(-1))
margs.masked_scatter_(indices, margs_.detach().view(-1))
#margs.masked_scatter_(indices_cpu, margs_.view(-1))
margs.masked_scatter_(indices_cpu, margs_.detach().view(-1))