
Confirm fails

Closed this issue · 11 comments


I have a problem for the confirmation step, it ends up with status code "1" but there is no line printed out whereas I read in the main.go that there should be either :

  • "Error waiting for service upgrade to complete" if after 30 seconds the service wouldn't be upgraded (the service is updated in time)
  • "Unable to finish upgrade" if the method ActionFinishupgrade would have returned an error
  • "Finished upgrade" if everything went fine

Here is the log output :
[info] Pulling image
Drone Rancher Plugin built at 2016-02-02 08:56:57 UTC
Upgraded glpi/glpi to
[info] build failed (exit code 1)

On Rancher, the service is upgraded but not confirmed.

Here is the deploy part of my .drone.yml :
url: ''
access_key: xxx
secret_key: xxx
service: glpi/glpi
docker_image: ''
start_first: true
confirm: true

Any idea ?


Set the timeout higher

I am seeing this too.

Tried with timeout at different values, with same results. It seems like it is waiting for something. Last log lines are:

[info] Pulling image plugins/drone-rancher:latest
Drone Rancher Plugin built from b4cd686
Upgraded micro-tools/app to


Having the same issue

@rgauny Increase the timeout.


    url: https://xxx
    access_key: xxx
    secret_key: xxx
    service: xxx/xxx
    docker_image: xxx/xxx:$$COMMIT
    start_first: true
    confirm: true
    timeout: 180
        - xxx

@Miminoux can you close this issue?

@cusspvz I raised the timeout to 300, still having the issue

@nayena Do an analisys on what's happening on both sides. On my cases, I've seen that the upgrade job was still running after 120 seconds, so I've set the timeout to 180. You must check yours. If it doesn't solve, perhaps you are experiencing a bug.

josmo commented

I'm trying to clean up issues on this plugin. Is this still an issue for anyone?

@josmo, increasing the timeout worked for me. Assuming it also worked for @nayena since he did not replied, you can close this.

josmo commented

@cusspvz thanks I'm closing this.