
A command line interpreter for the browser, including a lightweight OS emulation.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


                __         __         ____    _     
 _      _____  / /_  _____/ /_  ___  / / /   (_)____
| | /| / / _ \/ __ \/ ___/ __ \/ _ \/ / /   / / ___/
| |/ |/ /  __/ /_/ (__  ) / / /  __/ / /   / (__  )
|__/|__/\___/_.___/____/_/ /_/\___/_/_(_)_/ /____/  

webshell.js is a command line interpreter that runs in your browser.

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Get started

Prerequisites: NodeJS 18+

With run.sh, do run::install and run::build. That will create a dist/ folder, containing a webshell.js bundle. webshell.js is supposed to be included via a <script> tag on a web page. See the example to learn how it is supposed to be used.


The webshell outputs nearly bare, unstyled HTML. In order to make it look good you must provide some CSS.

For your convenience, choose one of the available themes and include it via <style> or <link href="">.