
Google Actions: AMAZON.YesIntent is invalid

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I believe the jovo-cli on dialogflow used to take care of normalizing these intents into just YesIntent etc. I'm now rolling my own CLI by utilizing jovo-model.

I'm not sure if that falls within the scope of this library or if that's something I should be handling in my own code. Would love some clarity!

Hey! Could you paste the relevant part of your model JSON? Is the AMAZON.YesIntent in the alexa section?

Ah yeah, they're definitely in the common area. Just realized there was a different layer of our stack that was responsible for normalizing these. Sadly only 1/3 of the issues I filed friday ended up being valid lol

Actually, is it worth reopening to discuss whether jovo should attempt to mirror some of the naming restrictions in its various platforms? Here's the error I get if I try to manually enter a period in an intent name: