
Compiling from tex file doesn't give the same layout

dillontkh opened this issue · 11 comments

When I compile the tex file locally for cs2040s finals, the layout looks different from the original one and doesn't fit on 2 pages anymore


Hi @dillontkh, thanks for opening this issue :)

Could I check what you're using the compile the file?

im using the latex workshop extension on vscode

the command run is

pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -recorder "[filepath]"

Hmm I'm not familiar with vscode and its latex extension - could you try this config? Here are the options I'm using which compiles to 2 pages:

compiler: latexmk
  engine: -pdf
  callback: 1
  continuous: 1
  executable: latexmk

That didn't seem to make a difference
Do you have this warning as well?

I think the issue is that \usepackage[scaled=0.92]{helvet} is not being used. The output PDF when I commented it out is identical to when it's not commented

that didn't seem to make a difference
do you have this warning as well?

Yup, it should still be able to compile

im using the latex workshop extension on vscode

the command run is

pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -file-line-error -recorder "[filepath]"

Running this command on the CLI gives a 2-page output. Just as a sanity check, does it work if you

  • ensure there are no changes to the source tex file
  • run the command (e.g. pdflatex -file-line-error -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode -recorder "cs2040s-finals-cheatsheet.tex") directly on your CLI (not using vscode)?

Yep, on a fresh clone of the repo and running the command in CLI still gives me the same result. Could it be there's a font you have installed that I don't?

here's a video of the process from start to finish


and here's the log file

Thanks for providing the log file! Looks like the difference is from different versions of TeX - the 2020 version (which I'm using) compiles to 2 pages, and your version compiles to 3 pages :)

dang ok that's the end of that mystery, thanks!

any chance you're able to update it to work with the 2023 version? :P

unfortunately not in the near future, but this is a good reminder for me to update my tex version 😛