
Node\r No File/Directory : npx prisma-multischema error

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i running npx prisma-multischema and then result error
env: node\r: No such file or directory

whereas i running node -v is show

@febrimaulana Hey, It's not a bug in prisma-multischema but rather
due to a difference in line endings, especially the difference in LF vs. CRLF ( Windows vs Unix SPACING )
. Unix systems like Linux and macOS use LF , the line feed character, for line breaks by default. Windows, on the other hand, is special and uses CR/LF , carriage return AND line feed character, by default.

In short , The binary executable from package can't be executed because your macOS/Linux ( My guess ,you are using any Of these) is having trouble to treat DOS-character.

Fix - (from StackOverflow Post)

1.brew install dos2unix or find any npm package to do Dos-to-Unix
2.Run the cmd to Convert Dos2Unix - sudo dos2unix **Path_to_Project_Root**/node_modules/prisma-multischema/bin/run

Keep me Updated 👍

Also try checking and changing the files EOF rules to CRLF or LF ( based on your OS) :