Extension to OmniAuth, that brings cool view helper. All you have to do now is simply add one line to your template and you will see Facebook login button!
gem install oa-facebook
Add to environment.rb
config.gem 'oa-facebook'
Add to config/initializers/omniauth.rb:
#for rails3 projects Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do provider :facebook, <App ID>, <App Secret> end #for rails2 projects ActionController::Dispatcher.middleware.use "OmniAuth::Builder" do provider :facebook, <App ID>, <App Secret> end
If omniauth routes doesn’t exist add them to config/routes.rb (e.g.):
#rails3 match '/auth/:provider/callback' => 'authentications#create' #rails2 map.auth_callback '/auth/:provider/callback', :controller => :authentications :action => :create
Then use special helper method for generate Facebook button:
<%= facebook_login_button %>
Also you can pass a Hash as a parameter. Keys are:
– render button with FBML or render image, true by default; -
– text in FBML button, or alt parameter of image tag, default is Login with Facebook; -
– address of an image, ifnative
is set to false, default is http://static.ak.fbcdn.net/images/fbconnect/login-buttons/connect_light_medium_long.gif; -
- permissions list. default is email,offline_access.
Finally you can right something like this:
<%= facebook_login_button(:native => false, :title => "Login from Facebook", :perms => "email, user_groups, user_events") %>
After click on the button popup window with mail.ru auth-page will be shown and after user was signed in and added permissions for the application then user-data will be transfered with POST-request to /auth/mailru/callback path. In action with this path you can use params from request which body look like:
{ 'uid' => '100000882795341', # user Id from Facebook 'provider' => 'facebook', 'user_info' => { 'nick' => 'igor.alexandrov', 'email' => 'igor.alexandrov@gmail.com', 'name' => 'Igor Alexandrov', 'first_name' => 'Igor', 'last_name' => 'Alexandrov', 'image' => 'http://graph.facebook.com/100000882795341/picture?type=square', 'urls' => { 'Facebook' => 'http://www.facebook.com/igor.alexandrov' }, 'location' => 'Tver' } }
OmniAuth: github.com/intridea/omniauth
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Copyright © 2011 Igor Alexandrov. See LICENSE.txt for further details.