
Add keybinding to mark current channel read

decibyte opened this issue · 2 comments

I think it would be nice to be able to mark the current channel read, without having to leave it and come back again. I do know that it can be done fast by simply pressing jk (go to next, go back to previous channel). But being able to do it with a single keypress seems better to me. In the official Slack app, this can be done by pressing Esc. I'd be fine with using the same key here. But, as it's also used for leaving input and search modes, another key might be more appropriate.

While I'm here: Thank you for bringing Slack to the terminal!

This is the behavior on my fork if anyone wants to backport it here upstream. I've stopped PRing new features upstream because there doesn't seem to be much activity on pull requests. My fork has begun to diverge pretty substantially.

@decibyte You mean like one keypress to set every channel to 'read'?

Ah, I understand. Yeah, need to think of a right key combo for this one