
Freezing / Keys Not Responding

dyllan-p opened this issue · 2 comments

Running FreeBSD 12.1 with command line only.

I am able to launch slack-term and I see channels, conversations etc, but key bindings are not working. No matter what combination of keys I press nothing happens. I eventually have to kill the process.
After the process is killed I can see my keystrokes on the command line, so it's almost as if the keystrokes are not being send to slack-term.

Perhaps I need to install an additional package for this functionality?

Version: 04.1
Installation method: go

I got the same issue. Running on mac.
go version 1.13
I've just download sources (78d1eb5) and try to run it with
go run main.go
keyboard does not respond.

For me at the moment this is hard to reproduce. Could you try other installation methods, and check whether it also happens there?