
A compilation of resources for students and web designers at UCF.

#UCF Web Resources

A compilation of resources for students and web designers at UCF.

Curated by John D. Jameson, and anyone else who wants to contribute.

##Why Does This Exist?

Classes at UCF are great for getting our feet wet and learning new concepts, but as designers and developers, we're much better off learning from and practicing on the web itself.


Websites, courses, and tools that'll get you up to speed and maybe even give you a competitive edge.



These sites teach web design curiculum in a course-like structure.


These podcasts are all available on iTunes and generally available via RSS.

  • ShopTalk Show
    • The most informative and entertaining of all the listed podcasts.
    • Listen to their 'Rapidfire' Q&A episodes for quick and easy advice and best practices.
  • UIE Brain Sparks
    • User Experience expert Jared Spool interviews the web's hardest working professionals about various aspects of research and design.
  • The Web Ahead
    • Discussions with industry experts on the latest web technologies.
  • The Big Web Show
    • Interviews with some of the most influential people in web design.

###Workflow and Tools

For anyone not sure what tools and software to use, Chris Coyier of CSS-Tricks provides an excellent screencast of his typical workflow.

Then there's also various tools and utilities across the web.

  • CodePen
    • An excellent place to practice HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more.
    • Removes the need to wrestle with setting up local files, libraries, and compilers. Just click 'New Pen' and start writing front-end code.
  • Type Scale
    • A handy application for calculating scales for web typography.
  • Color Scheme Designer
    • The best tool on the web for creating color palettes.

###Visual Design



  • Dribbble
    • The site for designers to showcase their work.
  • Codrops
    • Tutorials and free resources for creating beautiful effects in the browser.

###Library Books

The UCF library has a bunch of design-related books that nobody ever checks out. They're all just sitting on dusty shelves, waiting to be read by anyone eager to learn. For easier usage on mobile devices, I've moved the list to a Google Document.

UCF Design Books



School is a step in the right direction, but until you're in the trenches making real websites, it's hard for a lot of the concepts to sink in.


###Job Boards

If you're a designer or developer, it's definitely a good idea to research the types jobs you want to have. Knowing the skills and experience employers are looking for will give you the opporunity to prepare yourself accordingly and learn the tools of the trade.


I'm @johndjameson on Twitter. Feel free to ask me anything; I might not be able to help everyone personally, but I know where to look for answers and can definitely point people in the right direction.