
HTML tags in Twig

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


HTML tags in Twig.

Twag is a collection of Twig imports each of which represent an HTML tag and its associated attributes.


Twag templates work the same as any other Twig template. Include the Twag template for the tag you'd like to use and pass in any optional attributes.

{% include 'twag/img.twig' with {
  'alt': 'A picture of a cat',
  'src': 'cat.jpg'
  } only %}
<img alt="A picture of a cat" src="cat.jpg">

Tags that represent non–void elements can be included with the Twig embed syntax and accept an innerHTML block.

{% embed "twag/label.twig" with {
  'for': 'cat'
} only %}
  {% block innerHTML %}
    A cool cat
  {% endblock %}
{% endembed %}
<label for="cat">A cool cat</label>

What about miscellaneous attributes like ARIA and data-attributes? Pass a Key Value array as a misc property to append those attributes as well.

{% include 'twag/img.twig' with {
  'alt': 'A picture of a cat',
  'src': 'cat.jpg',
  'misc': {
    'aria-hidden': 'false',
    'data-meow': 'true'
} only %}
<img alt="A picture of a cat" src="cat.jpg" aria-hidden="false" data-meow="true">

Miscellaneous attributes such as hidden that have no value are supported as well.

{% include 'twag/img.twig' with {
  'alt': 'A picture of a hidden cat',
  'src': 'cat.jpg',
  'misc': {
    'aria-hidden': 'true',
    'hidden': ''
} only %}
<img alt="A picture of a hidden cat" src="cat.jpg" aria-hidden="true" hidden>

To Do


Contributions are welcome. In the _build folder you'll find a build.js script and an accompanying attributes directory. There is a JSON file representing each HTML tag in the attributes folder that contains the attributes available for that tag.

To add a new tag, add the corresponding JSON file to the attributes folder. To update the attributes for a tag update the existing JSON file. Lastly, run the build script.

cd twag
npm install # if you haven't already
npm run build