
Is there any way to add license data?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This tool is really fast and nice.
Is there any way to add license data?
Can this extracts the copyright text?


Is there any way to add license data?

Sure is. If you're using the API:

If you're using the command-line tool, it only knows how to load a dataset from the SPDX license-list-data repository:

Load an SPDX license directory (see for format)

    askalono cache load-spdx [FLAGS] <DIR>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
        --store      Store texts in cache along with match data
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    <DIR>    JSON "details" directory

It could learn to do more; I've just never quite prioritized that work myself. Open to options.

Can this extracts the copyright text?

askalono does not know how to do this at the moment, but I see you asked about this in #54 -- let's scope that there.

Thank you for your kind answer.
This question is solved so I closed this issue.

I look forward to the function for copyright text #54 .

Thanks and regards,