
[Bug Report] Server Crashing on Mod Loading

Rage-GitHub opened this issue · 3 comments

Describe the bug
Server crashes upon loading 2.0.5 or 2.0.7 version of mod.

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Install either version to your servers mod folder
  2. Launch server and inspect that it crashes

Expected behavior
Server should run with the mod and not crash.

Server Software and Version:

  • Vendor: Fabric
  • Minecraft Version: 1.18.1


2.0.7 is for 1.18.2. It is not expected to work on 1.18.1. 2.0.5 works on 1.18.1, I see you claim to have an issue with that version, but didn't provide a log. However even with a log, only the latest version of MiniMOTD is supported.

That's really unfortunate, I tried 2.0.5 but it does indeed crash. I'll provide a log. There was also a log in the original post of this issue, it's at the bottom of the text, but I'll provide a new one.

I've also confirmed that it is 2.0.5 crashing the server.


You need to either downgrade loader to 0.13.x for that version, or manually install the newest adventure-platform-fabric mod