
No "hello world" example, or documentation at all

guysoft opened this issue · 10 comments

I see no way to understand where to start with this package - is there some basic connection and information retrieval example anywhere?


Even something like this in the readme start (I can PR):

from hubspot3.companies import CompaniesClient
API = "your-api"
a = CompaniesClient(api_key=API)

Better if it has a bit more examples to other parts. For example I can't find where to get company properties API.

Feel free to PR! I can merge that in and expand on it if you'd like!

Currently I don't have a client put together for the Company Properties API. I'm missing a few different APIs, some of which were added/changed after the last time I worked on this repo.

I should be able to revisit and add some of these APIs soon, but in the meantime, could you list out the APIs I'm missing that you would like to have?

Found you can get the company properties if you get each company individually. But Started running in to rate limits, That would also be helpful to document )

Ahh yeah, you'll be able to get all of the properties for a given company on the get company method, but there's no CompanyPropertiesClient to interact with the fine-grained properties API that hubspot has.

As for rate limits, it'll just be however Hubspot rate limits their API:

Er- so how about an example that shows how to use BaseClient with stuff you didn't write yet?
It would help completeness.

Yeah I could add a snippet about that in just a bit

I wrote one myself since I actually need this.

import json
from hubspot3.base import BaseClient

class PipelineClient(BaseClient):
    Lets you extend to non-existing clients, this example extends pipelines

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(PipelineClient, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def get_pipelines(self, **options):
        params = {}

        return self._call('pipelines', method='GET', params=params)

    def _get_path(self, subpath):
        return 'deals/v{}/{}'.format(
            self.options.get('version') or PIPELINES_API_VERSION,

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import json
    API = "your_api"
    a = PipelineClient(api_key=API)

Also, no docs on how to use params, for example:

import json
from import DealsClient

deal_id = "12345"
API = "your_api"
params = {"includePropertyVersions": "true"} # Note values are not pythonized
deals_client = DealsClient(api_key=API)
deal_data = deals_client.get(deal_id, params=params)

Added these examples to the readme! I probably should split that off into a wiki or some more involved documentation at some point