
LOG Error: request returned 403 Forbidden

sekinooo opened this issue · 13 comments

I have requested API key, and entered my username (email adress) and password to adapter, but I have Error: request returned 403 Forbidden in my log and Can't connect to device or service. Can you please explain what is the issue? I changed auth url to and base url to . Password is correct. i have no Secret key field as in your documentation, just user and password fields. Thank you!

Do you use already version 2 of the Adapter?
I installed it directly from github

I installed version directly from iobroker v 1.0.6
I will try install from github.

You have to go to menu:
Look for the github cat symbol (perhaps you have to activate expert mode in iobroker)

click on the cat symbol:
Choose the last tab (custom / „benutzerdefiniert“ )

put the url of the the github tag oder branch

I tried but I'm stucked on installation screen for 10 minutes

It took a long time - I did it last night, this morning it worked

when I install from iobroker v 1.0.6, it takes couple seconds... I will try to install it during night...

? I changed auth url to and base url to .

why do you use those adresses? why do you use /v1?

It took a long time - I did it last night, this morning it worked

This is a topic of ioBroker and/or github .... nothing that an adapter can influence

If you have trouble with the adapter then please post you settings (make you userdata unreadable) and a log with loglevel 3
And post the log as text and not as a screenshot .... (no support for screenshot logs)
Otherwise nobody is able to help

It's working now, updated to 2.0, used secret key and I changed back auth url to and base url to
Thank you all!

works now