
Request to move "r_site_dir" variable to syncdb_config

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I am following Mark Jaquith's full WP-Skeleton based workflow as described in his 2011 Wordcamp SF address:

This involves deploying my WP-Skeleton based website using Capistrano as recommended by him.

The problem is that Capistrano creates the following directory structure on my shared host server ( symbolic links are indicated by "->" ) and it isn't completely compatible with syncDB:

  ├──  public_html   ->   ~/deploy/current
  └──  deploy
           ├── current   ->   ~/deploy/releases/<latest>
           ├── releases
           ├── repo
           └── shared/content/uploads

So to use syncdb-config I set the parameters as follows, which works for the rsync of my uploads directory:

r_web_dir = deploy
l_upload_dir = shared/content/uploads/
r_upload_dir = shared/content/uploads/

However for MySQL pull/push, syncdb cannot find wp-config.php based on the above parameters, as wp-config.php lives in ~/deploy/current and syncdb expects it to be in ~/deploy.

So, I need to update the parameter r_site_dir in syncdb to get it to work. I change the line:


to be:


This means I can't get automatic updates to syncdb as I need to hack it to get it to work, or I modifiy it each time I use it.


Would it be possible to move r_site_dir to be a parameter in syncdb_config?

The logic would be that r_site_dir only needs to be set initially by the user if wp-config.php is in a different directory to r_web_dir on the server.

Otherwise r_site_dir would default to $HOME/$r_web_dir as it does at the moment.


I'm having a similar problem but will open a new issue.