
Thank you

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Thanks for the repo. I've moved on to Auth0 as the amount of leg lifting on keycloak was too much. I hope to revisit this concept in the future.

jplew commented

totally understandable. I came up with this solution for my job, where I inherited a Keycloak backend.

To be frank, Keycloak would probably be my last choice for a UAA if I were developing a new app from scratch. Having to customize the FTL files in a package distinct from your front-end is a pain, plus writing custom hooks requires knowledge of Java. =P

I've heard good things about Auth0, and also had good experiences with Firebase Auth, AWS Amplify (though never in the context of SSR).

biels commented

While those other options are probably easier to set up, it's nice to have the option to do authentication the right way without depending on a third party cloud solution which for some projects may be not okay.