
Place year consistently at the top of the tooltip

Closed this issue · 8 comments

First line of each of the three tooltip types: year

Maybe we should also slightly reduce font size for the year and source to make the headline/description stand out more.

We probably still need to put the year first instead of in brackets on the prediction cards and change the wording of the "predicted realization" @davidbauer ?

By cards you mean tooltips? Yes, I'd put the year first and keep the source below the description.
For the predicted realisation, we could use "Predicted year of realisation in the story", so we don't mention the year twice.

Hi David,

For this ticket, could you please re-write the informations for the 3 tooltips types, as you did in the issue:


So that we ensure that everyone is on the same page.



Headline of the prediction (if available), else first 100 chars of description, cut off with "..."*
Source title by Source author
"Read more"

Predicted realisation:
"Predicted year of realisation in the story"*

Realisation description*
"Read more"

All except those with * in smaller font size.

Good for me, just one detail, we need to remind us to translate the text "Predicted year of realisation in the story." into german.

good for me

Predicted year of realisation in the story = Beschriebenes Jahr der Realisierung

It's updated.