Compile error at jpmml-tensorflow installation on methods parseUnknownFieldProto3 and setUnknownFieldsProto3
zhi-eric-yuan opened this issue · 1 comments
I am installing jpmml-tensorflow using ubuntu 16.04, protobuf 3.5.1, tensorflow 1.7.0, jdk 1.8.0_171 (oracle), maven 3.3.9. The following command line is used:
mvn -X -Dprotoc.exe=/usr/local/bin/protoc clean install
The installation failed with compile errors on the methods parseUnknownFieldProto3 and setUnknownFieldsProto3. It is the same error message as if we drop the -Dprotoc.exe=/usr/local/bin/protoc
option. I double-check that the protoc is at the right location:
yuan@yuan-VirtualBox:$ protoc --version
libprotoc 3.5.1
yuan@yuan-VirtualBox:$ whereis protoc
protoc: /usr/local/bin/protoc
And I have tried 1) clearing the ~/.m2 directory and reinstall; 2) installing in windows 7 with protobuf win32 binary. They did not help. Any direction pointing will be appreciated.
The complete log is as follows.
And also the default pom.xml file:
This solves my problem.