
great on iMac, not so much on iPhone

BobWalsh opened this issue · 2 comments

Went to on my iPhone to test this:

  1. fit the box example was unreadably small
  2. post with image had large gaps

Suggest you redo in Bootstrap 3 or some other framework so we can see how this will work on mobile devises
2014-08-08 08 47 53
2014-08-08 08 48 30


  1. I removed the padding and increased the height on the 'fit the box' example, it will be more readable now on mobile. The minimum font by default is 1 so it was working as intended, if you want to set it higher please use the minFont property:
  minFont: 12
  1. The ugly gaps are due to the fact that the text is being justified with text-align: justify and browsers don't yet support the CSS3 property text-justify to adjust those gaps (except for IE).

Thanks for your feedback

ugly gaps are due to the fact that the text is being justified with text-align: justify

How about shutting that off at very small sizes please?