
Confirm or disprove suspicion that straight phase analysis sometimes produces bogus results

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e.g. run the CLI on 5cjx4i41.igc, see these results:

Straight Phases

Distances are in km

  1. Start: 09:41:48, End: 09:42:31, Distance: 0.0
  2. Start: 13:24:59, End: 13:26:22, Distance: 0.0
  3. Start: 13:18:19, End: 13:18:35, Distance: 0.002
  4. Start: 13:26:32, End: 13:26:43, Distance: 0.002
  5. Start: 13:27:42, End: 13:27:53, Distance: 0.003
  6. Start: 13:19:37, End: 13:21:29, Distance: 0.004

All seem unlikely because gliders in flight don't move that slowly (e.g. section 6: 2 minutes to cover 4 meters)

After more investigation (specifically, by manually counting the straight phases in 5c6c3ke1.igc) - it is giving a very realistic count at the moment.
Many very short phases are produced by beating up and down a short ridge for a time, like e.g. Queen Victoria peak.