
Only works on systems with BSD sed like MacOS

jprice-da15252 opened this issue · 0 comments

Using APS on a system that uses GNU sed as its default, APS incorrectly parses the profile names, failing to strip out profile from the beginning of the name.


aws-superstar@hackstation-[~]: aps

------------- AWS Profile Select-O-Matic -------------
No profile set yet

Type the number of the profile you want to use from the list below, and press enter

-: Unset Profile
0: default
1: personal
2: company-main

Linux system with GNU sed:

aws-superstar@hackstation-[~]: aps

------------- AWS Profile Select-O-Matic -------------
No profile set yet

Type the number of the profile you want to use from the list below, and press enter

-: Unset Profile
0: default
1: profile personal
2: profile company-main