
Actions for puddletag audio tag editor

English case

Convert to proper title case.

  • Convert to upper case the first letter of every word in the string
  • Fix lower-cases prepositions
  • Convert to upper case the first letter of the string
  • Convert to upper case the first letter after "?", "!" and "("
  • Convert to lower case the first letter next to a contraction

Know issues:

  • Sometimes require convert to lower case the string before apply
  • Requires a manual review the result by context
  • Acronyms maybe can converted incorrectly

Fix spaces

This fix spaces issues.

  • Replaces "%20" and "_" by spaces
  • Adds space after "?" and "!"
  • Adds space before "¿" and "¡"
  • Replaces multiples spaces to single space
  • Trim the beginning and trailing spaces


Mark the file as gapless using comment:iTunPGAP field.

Spanish case

Convert to proper title case.

  • Convert to upper case the first letter of the string
  • Convert to upper case the first letter after "¿", "?", "¡", "!" and "("

Know issues:

  • Sometimes require convert to lower case the string before apply
  • Requires a manual review the result by context
  • Acronyms maybe can converted incorrectly

Remove Remastered

Remove "Remastered" from the title and/or album.

  • Remove "(Remastered)", "(Remastered 2015)" and "(2015 Remastered)"
  • Also allows square brackets, ie. "[Remastered]", "[Remastered 2015]" and "[2015 Remastered]"
  • Case insensitive

Copy Artist to Album Artist

Copy the artist field to the album artist field.