
f = fst.Fst(). error

Opened this issue · 2 comments

import openfst_python as fst
f = fst.Fst()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "pywrapfst.pyx", line 1617, in pywrapfst.Fst.init
AttributeError: 'pywrapfst.Fst' object has no attribute 'class_'

The code works with OpenFst 1.7.9. Are you using that version?

@jpuigcerver This seems like a duplicate of #2, and you said that:

Yes. The Python interface for OpenFst has been broken at least since version 1.7.1. Last time I checked, 1.7.9 was still broken. This library uses wraps that interface, so until they fix it, there's not much I can do.

You can switch to the 1.6.9 branch and that should be fine.