
Non-functional @token_required ?

Closed this issue · 5 comments

I'm trying to user the @token_required on an otherwise un-noteworthy view, but wasn't able to get it to work (would only return 403s). I ended up making my own decorator that users token_generator.check_token to verify the request.

Is anyone else using this successfully? Am I missing some step or was there some change recently?

My relevant code is

Hey @stickwithjosh, I wasn't able to reproduce this. Can you paste your entire decorator?

@jpulgarin Here's a diff of the two files, I'll try and put together a simplified test case to confirm this as the project I'm using tokenapi in has gotten large enough to not be useful for that.

Hmm, do you have tokenapi.backends.TokenBackend in your AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS?

That was exactly the problem. Thanks for looking into this for me!


Awesome :)