wekeo-jupyter-lab is a repository of Python based tools to introduce you to the WEkEO DIAS (Data Information and Access System) and its Jupyter Lab. The content includes notebooks explaining WEkEO and the Jupyter Lab environment and how to use the Harmonised Data Access (HDA) API that is fundamental to WEkEO. Within the submodules of this repository are tutorials and case studies, using data from the Copernicus Programme that are available on WEkEO and written by expert trainers from Mercator Ocean International, ECMWF and EUMETSAT.
The content provided is mostly based on Jupyter Notebooks, which allow a high-level of interactive learning, as code, text description and visualisation is combined in one place. The first notebooks recommended below will give you and idea of some of the features that the Jupyter Notebook environment offers.
The notebooks contained within the repository feature data from the Copernicus Marine Monitoring Service
, the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service
, and the Copernicus Climate Change Service
, including Sentinel-5p, Sentinel-3 and reanalysis data:
- Sentinel-3 Level 2 Ocean Colour, Sea Surface Temperature, and Altimetry
- Copernicus Marine Service products
- Sentinel-3 OLCI Level 1B
- Sentinel-5p TROPOMI Carbon Monoxide
- Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) Global Reanalysis (EAC4)
- Global Reanalysis (ERA5)
- Regional Reanalysis (UERRA)
- Sentinel-2 data
The content of this repository is suitable for those completely new to WEkEO, Python, Copernicus data and hosted processing environments.
Below is a summary of the files provided, with recommendations on where to start:
Welcome to WEkEO Jupyter Lab provides an overview of the WEkEO and it's Jupyter Lab environment. It will give you the basics on how to use the code provided for you, where to find more, and how to customise the environment to your needs. A great place to start!
WEkEO Harmonized Data Access API explains how to access data on WEkEO and makes use of functions defined in the HDA API functions notebook. You will find both of these scripts in the wekeo-hda submodule provided with this repository. You will find these functions used in other notebooks, and you can use them in any you might write too! This is a great second step to take in understandinging how you can use WEkEO.
After this, you can look at some of the thematic submodules provided here:
- WEkEO Harmonised Data Access - learn how to access data using WEkEO's data access API
- Ocean - learn about marine data from Sentinel-3 and the Copernicus Marine Service and how it can be used for different applications.
- Atmosphere - learn about WEkEO's offer of atmospheric composition data and example applications, including exercises.
- Climate - learn about WEkEO's offer of climate data and example applications, including exercises.
- Land - learn about WEkEO's offer of land data and example applications.
If you are on GitHub/Lab you can visit www.wekeo.eu, register for an account and enter the JupyterLab - then follow the instructions below.
If you are currently on the WEkEO JupyterLab you're already in the right place and can start. To clone this repository in to the WEkEO JupyterLab environment open a terminal in the WEkEO JupyterLab, type
cd public
bash wekeo-git-clone.sh https://github.com/wekeo/wekeo-jupyter-lab.git
This will create a clone of this repository of notebooks in your home directory. You can use the same shell script to clone any external repository you like.
You can also use this code on your own computer/Jupyter Lab server, however you won't have the fast access provided by the Harmonized Data Access as part of the WEkEO infrastructure.
This repository supports Python 3.7. We highly recommend that users working on their own systems install the appropriate Anaconda distribution for their operating system. Here is a link to the Anaconda distribution of Python 3.7.
Python allows users to create specific environments that suit their applications. This tutorials included in this collection require a number of non-standard packages - by which we refer to those no included by default in Anaconda. These are included in the JupyterLab environment but you may need to install them for local working.