
distributed-promise as a feature here

jpwilliams opened this issue · 0 comments

It's occured to me that the technique used at @jpwilliams/distributed-promise might also be a very relevant feature here.

If it were to be added, the result would never be cached, as that's not a good idea within RabbitMQ. We could still make use of the distributed promises though.

So how might it work? I see two possibilities right now - either a new API or add it to request's functionality.

// endpoint
	.handler(() => ({ id: 1, name: 'Jack' }))
// service A
const getUser = remit.request('user.get')
const user = await getUser()
// ...
// service B
const getUser = remit.request('user.get')
const user = await getUser()
// finds call by service A with same args currently in-flight,
// so doesn't send another request, but waits for that response.

Ignoring implementation details, would we have to ensure that all arguments are the same here? As in, not just the input going to the endpoint, but also things like the local request's timeout? It might also be pertinent to either have to opt in or out of the functionality via RequestOptions.

Really interesting little idea.