
A web frontent dashboard for an mqtt broker

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A web and RESTful frontend dashboard for an mqtt broker.

The idea of dashboard is fairly simple. It subscribes to an MQTT topic, then whenever a message is published to that topic or any sub-topics it will be stored in a MongoDB collection.

You can then query the Web frontend or the REST interface for the topics that have been recorded and the latest data published to them.

The driving idea behind this is to have a way to nicely present MQTT sensor data without having to wait for it on the client end. The server handles recording and storing it and then the client just has to query for what is available.

Current State

  • Basic MQTT subscription service is storing any messages in the collection
  • Basic Flask interface is querying the database for the data published to recorded topics

To Do

  • When updating the collection with messages, the script should check the topic collection for various settings, e.g. Keep history, how long, Average over time etc..
  • The Flask side of things should do everything from the json rest interface including basic auth.

REST Interface

URI Function Example Status
/json Get list of topics /json ✔️
/json/ Return json for topic /json/home/bedroom/temp ✔️
