Deploy a Node.js server to AWS EC2
Ensure you have AWS account
Ensure you have your access and secret keys
Ensure repo has server setup but has no database
PORT is set in .env file
Zip all files together for application, except package-lock.json and node_modules folder
In Elastic Beanstalk console - create new application
Select create new application
Give the application a name
Select platform: Node.js
Select upload your code, and upload the zipped file
Make sure you have AWS CLI and EB CLI installed with access and secret key
eb init
from the repo you want to upload -
select all the initialization options that you want
eb create
with the name of the env you want to create -
go check AWS to see if the app is up and running
Clone down the repository
Run the command
npm install
Create a
file withPORT
- Run the command
npm test
to test the server
To run the server locally, run
Open up your browser to the localhost you set your
variable to