Who (Splitscreen) Chat bug on ESC
M-griffin opened this issue · 6 comments
Looks like there is a (who) from main menu issues with the SplitsScreen Chat. ScreenShot: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/92792939/x84%20chatbug.png
When i'm in chat, i Hit ESC, then it's shows the magenta prompt from main menu, but doesn't redraw the screen, and no commands seem work, so your just stuck.
you're not exactly stuck, this is because you do not support the alternate screen sequence
Ok i'll test and compare this with putty, and also check some other clients.
Ok, I see, it's not stuck, that alternate screen sequence expects to the flip to redraw the screen as it was prior to switching. I'l check some other clients; It might be a good idea for unsupported clients, to re-draw the menu on exiting after the alt screen flip.
the only unsupported client i know of is yours
I just tried Syncterm, Mtelnet, Netrunner, none of them return the screen perfectly. Putty works good of course. And i will update my client. Maybe when i get sometime i can put together some update's. This is little stuff so i don't want to waste your time, just something to be aware of.
"none of them return the screen perfectly"
so they do, or don't, or have bugs of their own?
anyway i can force a refresh for anything returning, i normally only do that if there were a screen resize change. I'll commit that and you let me know.