
Enable AND disable the `consistent-this` rule

niftylettuce opened this issue · 3 comments


This line causes problems if we are concatenating with several other vendor pieces of code.

The only way to resolve this is to use dist/jquery.form.min.js, however it'd be great if we had a non-minified version in the dist folder as well 👍

Would you like to elaborate on what problems the comment is causing? I don't know what action would be appropriate if I don't know what it issue is.
Also, please feel free to open a PR with the changes. I am very open and responsive to pull requests.

basically if you have this rule but don't disable it - any other code concatenated afterwards will have to obey by the eslint rule, which causes conflict if other libraries in vendor bundled code don't respect consistent-this eslint rule (e.g. they use context or self or that instead of `this).

Please submit a pull request with changes to the grunt workflow to create a non-minified copy of the plugin in the dist folder.