
Data Process Display in Progress

garbinmarcelo opened this issue · 1 comments


Currently I use the "uploadProgress" method to inform the progress of the file upload, bringing data such as size and percentage sent to the server.

But I would like to know if it would be possible to obtain this data for the creation of a progress bar but using the missing time in the case of executing a PHP script.

Example: I have a CSV file with N lines that need to be read and saved in the DB, I would like to create a progress bar with the time remaining to complete this task.

Would it be possible?

If not, any ideas on how to inform the user how much it would take to complete this task?



Example this screen, after sending the file (upload) it is locked at 100%, I would like to show something dynamic that the script/request is still being processed.

Would there be any way to do this?