
JQM 1.4.5 Demo View Source Problem

agcolom opened this issue · 4 comments

This was originally opened by @aesculus on api.jquerymobile.com (jquery/api.jquerymobile.com#345)

On the demo pages, for example:


If you select the View Source button and then try to select the source it won't highlight the text.

You have to double click in order for the text to be selectable and then when you select the sample text, a lot of non breaking space characters are embedded.

This makes copying source very difficult.

This was not the case prior to 1.4.5.

My comment was that this was a change in behaviour:
So prior to 1.4.5, you could either double click and then select the text or directly select the text (without the need to get to the textarea step. From 1.4.5, you can no longer select the text directly from the source. You need to double click and select it from the textarea. I have no idea what could have cause this change in behaviour.

Ok, my feeling is that this is caused by a change in the popup. It seems that in 1.4.5, you cannot select text inside a popup. I'll open an issue in the main repo.

Closing as fixed and duplicate of jquery-archive/jquery-mobile#7856

@arschmitz Sorry Alex, I completely missed that one!

@agcolom no problem took me a minute to find it but I knew I had reviewed a fix for this recently.