Implement ClientsAction (show online clients)
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Right now there is no way to get from the home page to a project / user over view page.
The only user list-ish page is /scores/
but that one is slow (#71), not linked to (#70) and only shows client-users with scores (i.e. have ran tests) which isn't usually the case for projects-users.
Repurposing this issue to implement a "Who is online" page instead of an "All users" page (because projects are already listed as of #149, and there won't by a "users" registry anymore after #148).
"Who is online" would be a list of clients by their chosen username that are currently active. Depends on #148.
Does this still matter? Seems like #148 would make this completely irrelevant.
Yes, the ClientsAction would be the only way to find out which clients are connected (as supposed to which browsers are connected, which is in the swarmstate on the homepage).
This action will replace the SwarmstateAction spot on the HomePage.
Roughly what it shows:
- Online clients (by name)
- Which browsers are online for each client name
- Which tests they are currently executing (or if idling, for how long)
- Maybe an additional section with browsers and runs that don't have an execution slot yet (either because there are no browsers online to run them, or because those browsers are busy executing other runs).
The latter is currently partially implemented on the UserPage (which, as part of #148 will disappear and be split in a Client page and a Project page).