
Use PANDAS more

Opened this issue · 3 comments

  • remove all np.loadtxt and use pd.load_table if possible
  • convert all OLD style pd.rolling_ to the new rolling API (which I dislike, but oh well) - this is particularly for rolling_std, but maybe rolling_median would be useful for a first filtering step...

@ekaterinailin are there other places we can/should use Pandas to do data handling and filtering?

The pd.rolling part is done in this pull request.
np.loadtxt is partly removed, except the UW database data load function.

We can remove GetLCdb function entirely, as that database is basically dead anyhow!

Do you want to do this in your upcoming PR, rather than me mucking with the master?

Do you want to do this in your upcoming PR, rather than me mucking with the master?

Yes, will do!