
Scraper saves art without the . in /.emulationstation upon exit

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Scraper not saving images correctly without the period so it saves as /emulationstation instead of /.emulationstation. It also royaly screws up wii and ps2 gamelists if you save them correctly in notepad ++ it still messes up the saves upon exit of the application every time. This is not an issue with the stable build but only these last 2 builds which are better in every way besides those issues.

I have the same problem with the latest releases. In PS2 and Wii there are games that do not show the information or the image despite being correct in the gamelist. In addition, the scraper manages to get the information, but in some systems such as NES and N64 it saves the information of the first ones found in the gamelist and then begins to overwrite them, ending with a small fraction of all the games analyzed in the gamelist.

I also have the problem that the path to the images does not include the dot before "emulationstation".

Any idea how I can solve this?

I have the same issue. I had very well organized (and backed-up, thankfully) gamelists from the previous versions, and every time I play any game, when it writes the "playcount" and most recent playtime back to gamelist.xml, not only does it remove the "." in ".emulationstation", but sometimes it actually deletes entries of other games within the list. Very annoying, and until this is fixed, this version of emulationstation is unusable.

I think the problem is that the automatic builds generated in this fork are not based on the stable branch of the retropie EmulationStation repository. So, what you can do is download the "stable" branch code directly from the repository of repropie and compile it for windows. I believe that the current version is 1.7.6 and from what I have seen so far the scraper works correctly and not has those problems of deleting records from the gamelists.