Line Wrap on the notes list
toffalori opened this issue · 5 comments
The notes list is not aligned properly on emacs 26.1 and deft 0.8.
As of my understanding the deft-width-offset
variable was removed, right? What else could be the cause? Thank you.
Important to note: When I resize the window or refresh the buffer with "deft-refresh" it looks fine. But it happens again when you reopen the deft buffer.
Originally posted by @blackkenny in #16 (comment)
I have the same problem in Mac OS X.
After I switched to Ubuntu, it never happen again.
I have the same problem as well on Windows 10.
FWIW, on the graphical client(26.2 | OSX 10.14.6), you can fix this with the following GUI menu setting:
Options -> Line Wrapping in This Buffer -> Truncate Long Lines
The config setting should be:
(setq-default truncate-lines t)
I imagine you'd want some lisp logic to truncate some buffers, like deft, and not some, like org/md files.
In case this might be helpful to someone else, I have been dealing with this on OSX 10.15.5 on emacs 26.3. My deft buffer looked like the screenshot above. Resizing the screen did not fix it. After some playing around I figured out that it had to do with showing line numbers.
In init.el, I had
(global-display-line-numbers-mode t)
I added this at the end of init.el:
(add-hook 'deft-mode-hook (lambda() (display-line-numbers-mode -1)))
This resolved the problem for me.
I'm very new to emacs, so if there is another way I'm happy to learn.
The solution from @halcyonquest was the solution for me as well.