
Only 1.19.0 is supported

Closed this issue · 10 comments

My server is multiversion but only 1.19.0 bedrock users can connect. Help :(

Well it appears that you would need multiple sessions for this because the way it is set up you input the protocol number into the session constructor, and the client it's self (I think) will block if it doesn't match so there's not much we can do other than create multiple sessions with different versions.

What if we just made it automatically force latest?

I just accepted a pr that takes the protocol from the server that it points too.

Right, will test.

Test failure!

  • Reports data from the other server on my domain, what the LITERAL FUCK
  • Doesn't even put the server there, so broken

You realize this tool is in testing, the npm version is on 0.1.7

We are bound to hit some bumps.

I made this in a few days on my free time.

We will figure something out.

It works, as I use it rn for my server.

You realize this tool is in testing, the npm version is on 0.1.7

We are bound to hit some bumps.

I made this in a few days on my free time.

We will figure something out.

sorry, just annoyed.
made an issue, #3

What if we just made it automatically force latest?

That was the plan, we can change it back if needed, use version 0.1.6. I'll work with the contributors to fix this issue.

Update: It's Geyser. Of COURSE it's geyser.
Sorry for any issues. Just trying to get this tool working :(