
I can't run it

Opened this issue · 6 comments

when I run it, the error message always comes and the download and installation was not successful

Please provide index.js file and package.json file


I keep getting this error as well.

My package.json file { "dependencies": { "friend-connect": "^0.7.6" } "type": "module" }


import { Session } from "friend-connect";

new Session({
hostName: "Server Name", // The hostname of the server
worldName: "Message of the Day: Hello World", // Use as a MOTD
version: "1.19.62.l.....", // The version of the session, this can be any string.

protocol: 565, //The protocol of the server you are connecting to.

connectedPlayers: 0, // Used as a fallback if pinging the server fails.
maxConnectedPlayers: 40, // Used as a fallback if pinging the server fails.

ip: "tailvile.xyz", // The ip of the server you are using.
port: 19132, // The port of the server you are using.
connectionType: 6, // I don't recommend changing this.

log: true, // If you want to see the console output set to true.
joinability: "joinable_by_friends", // The joinability of the session, if this is changed only one account can be used to connect to the session.
autoFriending: true, // Set this to true if you want to automatically add people who follow the accounts.
pingServerForInfo: true, // If FriendConnect keeps erroring out due to a rakNet ping error you can set this to false.

tokenPath: "./auth", // The path to the directory that contains the authentication tokens.
accounts: ["foo@example.com", "bar@example.com"], // A list of emails that correspond to accounts you want to use with FriendConnect.

//These are values retrieved from the server on when the server advertisement is fetched, if true it will use a value from above.
constants: {
	//worldName: true,
	//hostName: true,
	maxConnectedPlayers: true,
	connectedPlayers: true,
	//protocol: true,
	version: true,


I also use bun to install the module.