run script may not find
Closed this issue · 2 comments
- use yum or apt-get to install memcached
- try to start server
const.go:4:36: error: libmemcached/memcached.h: No such file or directory
We should update or warn users that when they execute ./run that needs to be in path or set via LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/<path to>
This is a function of the compilation and default system path expectations and is effectively out of band of the pushgo server.
As noted in the file, libmemcached may be reconfigured to install to a specific path. I will add a comment line to "run" indicating that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH may be required, and will try to do some investigation to determine if there's a way to automate this, but I do not expect there to be a simple solution.
Agreed, I don't know if it's worth fixing through code smarts - but I want to make sure we document for anyone in the community that tries to fire the server up...