
FEATURE REQUEST - Separate data for multiple PW batteries connected to a single gateway

ejbatts opened this issue · 44 comments

Is it possible to extract data from separate PW batteries attached to a single gateway? I have 2 PW batteries connected to separate phases of a 3 phase installation. Specifically, I would like to know Battery AC Power (charge/discharge rate) of each battery so I can deduce total load on each phase.

This separate data is available on //[gateway ip address]/system page, as well as voltage and state of charge, but I don't know how to extract it in HA. The system page is only accessible if logged in as the installer, and not as the customer. Logging in as an installer requires a physical toggle of a battery on/off switch

The individual data points visible on the installer system page are:

  • Powerwall State (eg Grid Following)
  • Charge Level (eg 100%)
  • AC Voltage (eg 247V)
  • AC Power (eg 470.0W Charging)

Thanks for creating this issue. It would be really helpful if you would get this script working locally and start fetching data from your powerwall to call out specifically which URL and which data you are after. This is a shell script that should work in your mingw terminal as long as you make sure you have curl installed.

The directory where that script is has all sorts of json files that are probably named for the exact query you can feed into that script.

I don't think this will work in the current format. The issue is that the data I require seems to only be available after installer login which requires a physical switch toggle I will keep hunting though.

The directory json files are not all named the same as the query to 'feed in'.

This script looks like it is pretty neat too since it does a complete dump of all apis... even the ones that require special temporary modes.

I am going around in circles trying to run these scripts. First major hurdle seems that I cant install JQ which is required. Also finding that inbuilt commands such as 'from' are not found. Running git bash app on Windows, is that the problem?

Have also discovered that the data I am seeking to expose is also seen on the Tesla Pros App which does not require a physical toggle, but does require connecting to the Gateway wifi (TEG-xxx)

I would stick to the first script. The other script seems to reboot your gateway and, while probably safe, I can't vouch for it.

Windows is sure a tough platform to use when working with open source projects such as this. Perhaps you'd like something like chocolatey to help with installing these utilities? I've never used it before so YMMV

I am going around in circles trying to run these scripts. First major hurdle seems that I cant install JQ which is required. Also finding that inbuilt commands such as 'from' are not found. Running git bash app on Windows, is that the problem?

Have also discovered that the data I am seeking to expose is also seen on the Tesla Pros App which does not require a physical toggle, but does require connecting to the Gateway wifi (TEG-xxx)

The idea of working with these scripts is that, if they can't fetch the data you want, neither can we in this library. Special buttons and special connections directly to the gateway's WiFi are going to make it impractical if not possible to support without it being so unreliable that it isn't worth investigating.

@ejbatts Anything that requires installer mode is currently sadly blocked because of the physical access that is needed. There was some progress made in #20 to reverse engineer the API used by the Tesla Pros App, but nothing final yet. If you want to help out here, maybe you could try to get the configuration data that is returned by #20 (comment), so we can see if the data you need, is included there.

As @bubonicbob mentioned, the required WIFI access might produce problems. Supporting the endpoint in this library would than be the smaller issue, as consuming the endpoint in a client application would require some funky network setups (e.g. having a wifi to lan bridge, that can forward requests to the powerwall).

@jrester I am following the instructions on #20 comment but when I download and try to modify the request.bin file i am seeing this


so not able to 'replace the din'.

Also, where do I store the request.bin file, in my user/'username' folder?

zigam commented

@ejbatts the data you need should be available from //[gateway ip address]/api/system_status and shouldn't require installer login. Give that a try.

The command // returns:

  1. in Git Bash bash: // No such file or directory
  2. in Python: SyntaxError: invalid syntax
  3. In PowerShell:
    // : The term '//' is not recognized as the name of a
    cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify
    that the path is correct and try again.
    At line:1 char:1
  • //
  •   + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (// [], CommandNotFoundException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException

I am VERY new to this, sorry!

zigam commented

@ejbatts I meant access that as a web page (so in your case, after logging in to the gateway as a customer. If that works, you can figure out a programmatic way to access it. I'm not sure how HA integration works, but that page will give you json output that should have all the required information.

@ejbatts I really feel like you should invest in getting a basic Linux VM running in docker. or maybe borrow a Mac. it would really make things easier.

How about WSL? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/wsl/install

Another option for you guys is to install Homeassistant “Terminal & SSH” add on which gives you a terminal option in your main menu.

You can then use the commands in the shell:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vloschiavo/powerwall2/master/samples/powerwallstats.sh
chmod u+x powerwallstats.sh
nano powerwallstats.sh

Nano will start to edit the script. Use the arrow keys to modify your POWERWALLIP and PASSWORD and use CTRL-X to save it.

Now you can run the script with whatever path you want.

./powerwallstats.sh /api/meters/aggregates

@zigam @bubonicbob @JoshingtonState
I really appreciate everyone's suggestions to this newbie.

Been copping some flak from SWMBO about the time I am spending on this, so will get back to it soon. lol.

@bubonicbob I have already installed Ubuntu on my PC using WSL. I guess you are telling me to use the Ubuntu shell for all the above stuff? My other option is to install it on a VM on my NAS providing I have enough spare memory to run it side by side with my Home Assistant VM and my Plex Server which run 24/7. I tried the Ubuntu shell at some stage but struggled to find the correct path to installed modules?

Thanks again

@ejbatts I meant access that as a web page (so in your case, after logging in to the gateway as a customer. If that works, you can figure out a programmatic way to access it. I'm not sure how HA integration works, but that page will give you json output that should have all the required information.

@zigam I tried this previously but still could not find the separated battery data that I am after, only the aggregated data. I will try again however

Another option for you guys is to install Homeassistant “Terminal & SSH” add on which gives you a terminal option in your main menu.

@JoshingtonState I have these installed on HA already and will tryout you suggestions, thanks

@zigam @bubonicbob @JoshingtonState I really appreciate everyone's suggestions to this newbie.

Been copping some flak from SWMBO about the time I am spending on this, so will get back to it soon. lol.

@bubonicbob I have already installed Ubuntu on my PC using WSL. I guess you are telling me to use the Ubuntu shell for all the above stuff? My other option is to install it on a VM on my NAS providing I have enough spare memory to run it side by side with my Home Assistant VM and my Plex Server which run 24/7. I tried the Ubuntu shell at some stage but struggled to find the correct path to installed modules?

Thanks again

Yeah I would absolutely just use a shell under Ubuntu. Seems like Ubuntu uses apt for package management, so you can do things like:

sudo apt install wget curl jq nano

Then all the commands I mentioned above work as-is.

zigam commented

@zigam I tried this previously but still could not find the separated battery data that I am after, only the aggregated data. I will try again however

@ejbatts Maybe post the output here and I can help analyze.

@ejbatts Maybe post the output here and I can help analyze.

@zigam @bubonicbob @jrester @JoshingtonState

The data is here! I missed it first time round. Have added some line breaks to help see it more clearly. The data I need to poll frequently in HA is "p_out" for each battery. "nominal_energy_remaining" and "nominal_full_pack_energy" would also be handy for each battery.

Only a customer login is required. https:///api/system_status








@ejbatts Maybe post the output here and I can help analyze.

The data is here! I missed it first time round. Have added some line breaks to help see it more clearly. The data I need to poll frequently in HA is "p_out" for both batteries. "nominal_energy_remaining" and "nominal_full_pack_energy" would also be handy for each battery.

Only a customer login is required.


thanks for posting this! one of the side effects of using a known script is that you can post your exact command line and full results. the outcome is that the results are so actionable that it makes it easy to code up the changes and write tests against your exact results. as of now, I couldn't code up much based on these results without personally reproducing your same scenario... but as you're finding out, you have a pretty unique situation so the odds of you getting your system supported go down.

My understanding is that the Tesla integration polls the Gateway using the local API, and currently extracts 32 entities, one being a sensor named "Battery Power". This is the aggregate, and I am asking for separate data from each battery being "p_out". I don't think my situation is unique in that hundreds/thousands of users have multiple batteries connected to a single gateway, and I am sure I am not alone in having them on different phases. I agree it would be less common that a user like me wants to use the data to deduce loads on individual phases.

Having said that, a user on another thread detected a battery failure only after logging in as an installer. He claims that if separate battery data was available he would have detected the failure sooner. It turns out his battery had been in error state for over a year!

It appears that [at least some of] the data supplied by the integration comes from the API (URL) branch "api/meters/aggregates"? The data I want appears in a different branch "api/system_status" and the individual battery data points are in a sub-sets of that branch headed by "Type":"","PackagePartNumber":"xxxxxxx-xx-x","PackageSerialNumber":"TGxxxxxxxxxxxx"
If that is correct, I am imagining it is possible to access that data. I suppose the data points with the same name from different sub-sets would need to be appended with a prefix or suffix, related to the serial number perhaps, to distinguish them.

I have no idea how to code this, but think it is possible?

@ejbatts great to hear, that the data is also available over the "normal" API! This library currently already exposes parts of the system_status endpoint, specifically it already exposes the different batteries (see https://github.com/jrester/tesla_powerwall/tree/master#battery-packs), although your mentioned data points are not directly exposed. I see no problem in also exposing those data points, so I will take a look and see what can be done there.

@jrester In an effort to explore further, I am trying to install and run tesla_powerwall (on Ubuntu) as per the setup instructions but stumble here:

$ from tesla_powerwall import Powerwall
from: too many arguments

Chat GPT confirms the correct syntax.

@jrester In an effort to explore further, I am trying to install and run tesla_powerwall (on Ubuntu) as per the setup instructions but stumble here:

$ from tesla_powerwall import Powerwall
from: too many arguments

Chat GPT confirms the correct syntax.

Are you trying to run the example python code? That won't work by just copy/pasting to the command line.

You've got to clone the repo and then follow the commands at the top of the instructions:

$ export POWERWALL_IP=<ip of your Powerwall>
$ export POWERWALL_PASSWORD=<your password>
$ python3 examples/example.py

Then you'll run whatever code is in example.py

I installed the repo

pip install tesla_powerwall

is that not enough?

I installed the repo

pip install tesla_powerwall

is that not enough?

Depends what you're trying to accomplish, I guess. Those instructions written for somebody who wants to use the publicly available tesla_powerwall library to write some python code that uses it. In your case, I assume you're looking to find extra fields that the library does not yet support, so running you own python code against the library won't really accomplish that.

Running the pip command installs the library so that if you write and run your own code locally then the library will be automatically located.

Perhaps it depends on who you're talking to, but I don't think you can do better than just running this shell script that uses curl to authenticate, store the authentication cookie in a file, run whatever query you want against your powerwall, then spit out the raw results for you. It is perfect for your Ubuntu environment.

Try these commands. Replace yourip and yourpass with your info.

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vloschiavo/powerwall2/master/samples/powerwallstats.sh
sed -i '' -e 's/POWERWALLIP=.*/POWERWALLIP="yourip"/g' powerwallstats.sh
sed -i '' -e 's/PASSWORD=.*/PASSWORD="yourpass"/g' powerwallstats.sh
chmod u+x powerwallstats.sh

Now you can fetch any path from your powerwall like so:

./powerwallstats.sh /api/powerwalls

I am truly grateful for your help but feel I am way over my depth...

batts@STUDY:$ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vloschiavo/powerwall2/master/samples/powerwallstats.sh
% Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 3269 100 3269 0 0 9801 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 9787
$ sed -i '' -e 's/POWERWALLIP=./POWERWALLIP=""/g' powerwallstats.sh
sed: can't read : No such file or directory
batts@STUDY:~$ sed -i '' -e 's/PASSWORD=.
/PASSWORD="YES I HAVE MY PASSWORD HERE"/g' powerwallstats.sh
sed: can't read : No such file or directory

I am truly grateful for your help but feel I am way over my depth...

batts@STUDY:$ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vloschiavo/powerwall2/master/samples/powerwallstats.sh % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 3269 100 3269 0 0 9801 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 9787 batts@STUDY:$ sed -i '' -e 's/POWERWALLIP=./POWERWALLIP=""/g' powerwallstats.sh sed: can't read : No such file or directory batts@STUDY:~$ sed -i '' -e 's/PASSWORD=./PASSWORD="YES I HAVE MY PASSWORD HERE"/g' powerwallstats.sh sed: can't read : No such file or directory

Sorry, I may have gotten too fancy with those commands.

Try these:

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vloschiavo/powerwall2/master/samples/powerwallstats.sh
chmod u+x powerwallstats.sh

Use your favorite editor to edit the downloaded file named powerwallstats.sh to replace these lines with your information. Make sure to keep the quotes.

POWERWALLIP="powerwall"			# This is your Powerwall IP or DNS Name
PASSWORD='Y0ur$up3r$3cr3tPassword!'	# Login to the Powerwall UI and Set this password - follow the on-screen instructions

Now you can run:

./powerwallstats.sh /api/powerwalls

I am truly grateful for your help but feel I am way over my depth...

batts@STUDY:$ curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vloschiavo/powerwall2/master/samples/powerwallstats.sh % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed 100 3269 100 3269 0 0 9801 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 9787 batts@STUDY:$ sed -i '' -e 's/POWERWALLIP=./POWERWALLIP=""/g' powerwallstats.sh sed: can't read : No such file or directory batts@STUDY:~$ sed -i '' -e 's/PASSWORD=./PASSWORD="YES I HAVE MY PASSWORD HERE"/g' powerwallstats.sh sed: can't read : No such file or directory

If you want, I could make a zoom meeting with you in within the next hour

ah sorry, been away from PC mowing lawns
I could do a zoom meeting but could also just wait until @jrester has a look at the code as per above...to get the new entities into HA integration.
I thought I could do a bit of exploring withpython/linux/git etc but its way more complicated/finicky than I thought. Up to you.

The feature is included in the v0.5.1 release.
The feature can now be added to home-assistant. @bubonicbob Do you want to take care of this?

The feature is included in the v0.5.1 release. The feature can now be added to home-assistant. @bubonicbob Do you want to take care of this?

Not sure I'm qualified to add any new entities at this point. :/ I wish I had a powerwall so I could see how it actually worked. My hope was to get a full snapshot of this multi-powerwall setups so that I could orient myself in the overall data schema. Everybody is already so familiar with their own setup and I am working from zero experience with the powerwall.

In my quest to learn more about how HA works under the hood, I was thinking of trying my hand at frontend work instead of in integrations.

@bubonicbob can I help by supplying any output data?

@bubonicbob can I help by supplying any output data?

I'd really like to see the output of this script on your system if you are willing to try it out. It basically runs every known query we can perform, appears to scrub out personal data, and saves it to a collection of files. I'd love to see all that info.

Also I would need to see it actually working in the current HA interface. I don't really know what it even looks like. :) I started working on it because I have a Tesla and I thought it looked cool.

I need help to run this, I have no idea. But always willing to try...zoom?

EDIT: I have managed to run the script by adding the 'XXXXXX's in the code below:

create_tempfiles() {
  script_name=$(basename "$0")
  cookie_file=$(mktemp -t "$script_name.XXXXXX.cookies") || exit 3
  mask_file=$(mktemp -t "$script_name.XXXXXX.mask") || exit 3

and then executing $ sudo bash getsample.sh

I got the following output so still beyond me...I had to restart the PowerWall.

script_name: getsamples.sh
cookie_file: /tmp/getsamples.sh.h1Gl1u.cookies
mask_file: /tmp/getsamples.sh.37eIfB.mask

NOTE: This script will temporarily stop the powerwall in order to collect some information (and then start it up again afterwards). This should be fairly safe, but it is recommended to double-check (via the web interface or app) after completion to ensure the Powerwall has come back up properly and is functioning as expected afterward.

Proceed? [y/N]: y

Collecting running samples...
(Note: Call to 'synchrometer/ct_voltage_references/options' returned status 400)
(Note: Call to 'system/networks/ping_test' returned status 404)

Stopping sitemaster...

Collecting stopped samples...
(Note: Call to 'system/networks/ping_test' returned status 404)

Starting sitemaster...
{"code":409,"error":"enumerating","message":"enumerating"}ERROR: Unable to start sitemaster (current status: StatusDown). Check powerwall for errors.


Cool! I suppose you can just delete the 2 lines from the script that are making these error calls so that it completes. Like the lines containing synchrometer/ct_voltage_references/options and system/networks/ping_test. Perhaps your newer firmware has disabled those calls.

Even with the error you saw, it should have still written out a ton of json files, no?

I'm going on vacation for a the rest of the week so I won't be online too much, but I would really like to see those results. What time zone are you in? I'm in the pacific time zone.

Yes it has written the files , how can I send these privately as I am exposing serial numbers etc?

I am in Sydney AUS UTC+11.

Yes it has written the files , how can I send these privately as I am exposing serial numbers etc?

I am in Sydney AUS UTC+11.

Thank you!!!

I think this dropbox link will work to upload your files. I set it up for upload only.


@bubonicbob Files are uploaded.

The data I am wanting to access is shown in the file running/system_status.json .

The same file in the stopped folder returned an error, and is titled system_status.err .

I think all serials are hidden so feel free to share the files with developers.

@bubonicbob Files are uploaded.

The data I am wanting to access is shown in the file running/system_status.json .

The same file in the stopped folder returned an error, and is titled system_status.err .

I think all serials are hidden so feel free to share the files with developers.

Thank you!! I'll take a few days to look it over. I hear so many cool things about the outback culture down there... I can only imagine what a cool setup you have.

If you feel comfortable, would you mind uploading a text file that has your email in it? I would like to see how this same system currently looks inside the HA frontend and ask a few more questions about your setup.

  • Powerwall State (eg Grid Following)

Hey @ejbatts , when your powerwall batteries are full and in grid following state, how many watts does a Tesla app/web show your powerwalls are consuming? It is typically like 150 watts or more like 2100 watts? I'm curious what an official Tesla app/web page shows.

I'm really wondering if they show you "real" or "apparent" power. Seems like you would want to know the actual power flowing into or out of your batteries.

Also which parts of your system are running ~420 volts? I don't know what "load" and "site" are measuring but it seems to match your solar voltage.

I have uploaded my email address.

how many watts does a Tesla app/web show your powerwalls are consuming? It is typically like 150 watts or more like 2100 watts?

Typically about 150W. I have uploaded a graph for a few hours yesterday at 100% SOC. Tesla numbers are all rounded to one decimal place so the app usually displays -0.1 or -0.2kW when charge is 100% and I am exporting excess solar to the grid.

Also which parts of your system are running ~420 volts? I don't know what "load" and "site" are measuring

I think ~420V is DC voltage. Load = HOME consumption. Site = GRID import/export.

I'm really wondering if they show you "real" or "apparent" power. Seems like you would want to know the actual power flowing into or out of your batteries.

I feel you may be over-thinking my feature update request. (or I may not fully understand the complexities) The Tesla Integration in HA core already pulls data from several of the API endpoints. I have uploaded a screenshot of the data in my HA (V2 shows the hidden entities as well). [The endpoints in my system are only related to the Powerwalls, but I presume there are more if a vehicle and charger are added.]

To be clear, the data I would like to expose exists in the 'system_status' endpoint, because this is where individual battery data is presented as opposed to aggregated data that Tesla uses on its own app and web interfaces. There are 21 sets of data for each of my batteries. I would like to expose 9 of these as per below. The MOST important one of these to me is "p_out", being the instantaneous measure of actual power flow in/out of the battery. The second most important are the four energy values. The least important are the electrical values of q,v,i and f. [FYI you can see here the AUS nominal supply parameters of 245V/50Hz (v/f)]

The data would need to be exposed for any number of batteries ( ie more than one or two).

 "nominal_energy_remaining": 15137,
  "nominal_full_pack_energy": 15137,
  "p_out": -100,
  "q_out": -1090,
  "v_out": 245.60000000000002,
  "f_out": 50.037,
  "i_out": 0.1,
  "energy_charged": 610483,
  "energy_discharged": 509907,