
Dedicated resources generation

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hello, first of all thanks for this piece of software, it is really handy.

While using it I noticed that it always create kubernetes_manifest resources. This works but as written in the documentation, requires the cluster to already exists (there are some OpenAPI spec discovery performed under the hood that require a cluster to be already there). The same is not true for other dedicated resources that the kubernetes provider supports, and in general this helps in working with resources contextual with cluster creation.

Given that during transform the code knows ApiVersion and Kind values, it should be possible to output dedicated resources instead of the generic manifest.

Would you consider implementing this (or accepting a contribution)? Thanks

There is actually already a project for generating the built-in resources called k2tf which has the counterpart request for this here: sl1pm4t/k2tf#94

It would be amazing, if you two could merge your tools.