Storing new Inlines not working in version 2
21adrian1996 opened this issue · 19 comments
I am trying to store a new object in an SortableInlineAdminMixin:
from django.contrib import admin
class MyOtherModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin, SortableAdminBase):
inlines = [MyInline]
class MyInline(SortableInlineAdminMixin, admin.TabularInline):
model = MyModel
extra = 3
ordering = ('order',)
Throws the error getattr(): attribute name must be string
in adminsortable2/, line 461, in save_new
on line order_field_value = getattr(obj, self.default_order_field, None)
The configuration works with 1.0.4 but not with 2.0.4.
Is there a new configuration or what am I missing?
Could you please fork the testapp
and configure it in a way, so that I can reproduce that error.
Please read section on how to report bugs.
I'm having the same issue. But it works ok when the inline model is a ManyToManyField. I also tried setting the default_order_field in the inline.
same issue
there is no request even goes in the network when finish the draging
Inlines have to be saved explicitly. This was already the case for version 1.
@jrief any fix?
@ahmedsafadii I have no intentions to change this, so it probably will remain forever.
Just ran into this issue and I can confirm there is a real bug.
In __init__()
method here you allow default_order_field
to be None
. But later in save_new()
method here you call this getattr(obj, self.default_order_field, None)
which in case of default_order_field
is None
raises an exception since getattr()
requires to be a string
In [2]: getattr(object(), "")
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [2], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 getattr(object(), "")
AttributeError: 'object' object has no attribute ''
In [3]: getattr(object(), None)
TypeError Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [3], in <cell line: 1>()
----> 1 getattr(object(), None)
TypeError: getattr(): attribute name must be string
Sadly I can't because it happens on a project I'm just a small part and I don't have a full understanding of the whole party. However just looking into your code the issue is obvious. I guess it can be fixed right away.
@im-n1 then fork this repository, adopt one of the examples so that you can reproduce it there, and tell me where I can find it on GitHub.
If you want me to fix rarely occurring bugs on OSS, then you have to invest some time as well.
I had the simular problem. I solved it by putting SortableAdminBase as first in inheritance.
incorrect: class MyOtherModelAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin, SortableAdminBase):
correct class MyOtherModelAdmin(SortableAdminBase, admin.ModelAdmin):
Thats what I already have. But it doesn't fix the obvious bug in code.
@im-n1 how about my proposal from December?
Surely ordering = ('order',) should be under class Meta?
class Meta:
ordering = ("order")
In case it's helpful to anyone, I also experienced this error this morning, and as per @alchemistOfWeb's comment, my case was due to inheritance order of my admin class (in combination with django-solo which provides SingletonModelAdmin
class HomepageAdmin(SingletonModelAdmin, SortableAdminBase):
# ...
class HomepageAdmin(SortableAdminBase, SingletonModelAdmin):
# ...
Hope this helps.
@BigglesZX would you like to create a page in the docs section with recipes, when combining django-admin-sortable2 with other libraries?