
Link velocity not readily available?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi Pierre!

I tried to get the link velocities of the real robot. However, after checking the libfranka's RobotState. I realized that it might not record the link velocities.

Hence, should we update FD with the measured joint values for the link velocities? For instance, I might create a merge request like the pseudo-code below:

 FDPtr_ = std::make_shared<rbd::ForwardDynamics>(getRobot().mb());

 // Update the mb(), mbc() by the Panda Robot joint values

// Then update FD: 

 rbd::forwardKinematics(getRobot().mb(), getRobot().mbc());
 rbd::forwardVelocity(getRobot().mb(), getRobot().mbc());
 rbd::forwardAcceleration(getRobot().mb(), getRobot().mbc());

Hi @wyqsnddd

I think it's better to rely on the mass matrix provided by libfranka (available via the mc_panda::Robot device attached to the robot). You can discuss with Mohamed for more details.

Ehm, it's a good idea. I quickly checked with Mohamed. I'll use the libfranka for this purpose.