Gradle 8 compatibility?
quiksand opened this issue · 0 comments
quiksand commented
Hi team! I get the following error when upgrading past gradle v7.6.2.
An exception occurred applying plugin request [id: 'com.github.jruby-gradle.jar', version: '2.0.2']
> Failed to apply plugin 'com.github.jruby-gradle.jar'.
> Could not create task ':jrubyJar'.
> Could not create task of type 'JRubyJar'.
> Could not set unknown property 'appendix' for object of type com.github.jrubygradle.jar.JRubyJar.
I see there are a couple other issues (e.g., here and here) pertaining to gradle 8 incompatibility, which I suspect I'll run into once this error is cleared. Is there a release planned for gradle 8+ compatibility? Thanks!