
Enhancement proposal

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I'm using your great timer to run a steppermotor (non-blocking) with the esp8266 like:
if (motorTimer.repeat (steps, speed)) {
I need however to know whether the repeat is still running and I need to be able to stop the repeat when a limitswitch is reached. I therefor propose 2 more methods to add. You'll find them below.

Kind regards, Ed

boolean repeatRunning();
void repeatStop();


  • Checks whether the repeat timer is still running
  • Useful to do something during or not during the total repeat period
  • Usage:
  • if(!timer.repeatRunning()){
  • stop blinking that LED or running that motor
  • }
    boolean Neotimer::repeatRunning(){
    if(this->_times > 0){
    return true;
    return false;


  • Stops a running repeat timer
  • Useful to act on a limitswitch or reached condition
  • Usage:
  • timer.repeatStop()){
    void Neotimer::repeatStop(){
    this->_times = 0;

good library, could insert an option to use different drive intervals in the example repeat; 2000 LED ON, 4000 LED OFF

good library, could insert an option to use different drive intervals in the example repeat; 2000 LED ON, 4000 LED OFF

yeah, i hope too Jrullan

I'm using your great timer to run a steppermotor (non-blocking) with the esp8266 like:
if (motorTimer.repeat (steps, speed)) {
I need however to know whether the repeat is still running and I need to be able to stop the repeat when a limitswitch is reached. I therefor propose 2 more methods to add. You'll find them below.

Kind regards, Ed

boolean repeatRunning();
void repeatStop();


  • Checks whether the repeat timer is still running
  • Useful to do something during or not during the total repeat period
  • Usage:
  • if(!timer.repeatRunning()){
  • stop blinking that LED or running that motor
  • }
    boolean Neotimer::repeatRunning(){
    if(this->_times > 0){
    return true;
    return false;


  • Stops a running repeat timer
  • Useful to act on a limitswitch or reached condition
  • Usage:
  • timer.repeatStop()){
    void Neotimer::repeatStop(){
    this->_times = 0;

Hi Bro!
i have found new Logical code for start blinking and stop blinking whitin neotimer...
this is my logical sketch code:

#include <neotimer.h>

Neotimer WAOW = Neotimer(1000) ;
const int p = A0;
const int led = 13;

bool p1 = false;
bool p2 = false;
bool p3 = false;

int btn;

void setup() {
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
btn = digitalRead(p);
if ((btn == 0) && (p1 == false)) {
p1 = true;
p2 =! p2;
p3 = true;
digitalWrite(led, 1);
}else if (btn == 1){
p1 = false;

if (p2 == true){
} else {
p3 = false;
digitalWrite(led, 0);

void RUN(){
if (p3 == true){
p3 = false;
digitalWrite(led, !digitalRead(led));
p3 = true;

// this sketch is created by aoicomputers [Sep, 26 2018 - 13.45 WIB]

good library, could insert an option to use different drive intervals in the example repeat; 2000 LED ON, 4000 LED OFF

if you want, i can help you for diffrent intervals repeat..
i have found that logic too, within neotimer