Full programming language

Full is a concept programming language aimed at what is not uniquely unthought of but uniquely unperfected - that which allows a single codebase to define a distributed software system composed of the following parts:

  • Databases
  • "Backend" servers
  • Web clients
  • Mobile (iOS/Android) clients
  • Desktop (Win/Mac/Linux) clients
  • etc...

Before we get bogged down by minutia, let's explore by example:

(log "Hello world!")
$ full .
Hello world!

Basic printing should look recognizable. We'll use LISP syntax for its simple and broad form.

  (range 5)
  (fun x (log (* x "* ")))
$ full .
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *

As above, this should be fairly recognizable. Now let's take a look at what Full is really meant for:

(let db (database {
  todos: (set [] {bool done, str text})

This expression: (1) defines a new database db in our code, which will automatically be deployed to an auto-scaled distributed database cloud, (2) bootstraps that database with a table called todos, which is created with an empty set (no data) and typed for objects with the following properties:

  • id: a UUID
  • done: a boolean (true or false)
  • text: a string

Now we can create a multi-platform GUI app within the same file, adding below the above:

(let gui (app {
  /: <page>
    <input placeholder="Add a task..." on:enter={
      (fun val (+ db.todos {done: false, text: val}))
      {(map db.todos (fun todo <li>
        <checkbox bind:selected={todo.done}/>

This defines a generic GUI app, which can generate an app for any platform. The "backend" and "frontend" code is merged into one wholistic context - with powerful concise tools, like <checkbox bind:selected={todo.done}/> which creates a live-updated, two-way bind between the done property on each todo item in the database and the selected property of the checkbox UI element.

We can complete this project by deploying all of our infrastructure:

(export gui [web ios android])
$ full .
Preparing application `gui` for export...
✔ Deploying new database `db`
✔ Compiling `gui`
✔ Deploying API functions
✔ Deploying web application
✔ Building iOS application
✔ Building Android application
Deployed 1 database, 2 functions, 1 web app.
Packaged 2 mobile applications for publishing.
Run details: https://ACME.io/runs/a80tRMj2mfSdl52
(web): https://web-as92DFkw4.ACME.io